13 October, 2009

Practicalities, tips as observed, experienced on the road...

Since some of my friends are planning similar wander around the world as me, yes, Martuncia&Bartulek, I am thinking of you guys in particular, here are some tips I thought would be helpful to you, as well as probably interesting to read for all of you Guys!
All this has been observed, and mostly experienced by Blondie:

* mosquito net - YES; Blondie used it twice so far, in the same hotel, after finding out that there were mice in the rooms, one actually kissed Jiang on his cheek....so if you want to be sure that nothing touches you directly while you're asleep, mosquito net may help!
* rubber bands, elastics, safety pins - YES; very helpful when your room window faces the hotel corridor and the curtains are too narrow and keep opening...rubber bands keep them nicely together
* universal sink plug - NO; at least not the big one, this thing sucks! actually it doesn't, even though it should, and definitely doesn't work, while being quite a heavy piece of rubber to be carried around...
* copies of your passport and visa - YES; you need to show then even when you want to use Internet in an Internet cafe n India - copies save you taking out your passport all the time, and minimize chance of losing it, if you happen to be blond...
* toilet paper/soap - YES!!!; don't even dare leaving anywhere without it!!!even if some posh, as per local standards, places you won't find a toilet roll and soap; very ofter you won't find water to wash your hands...but that's a different story...
* headlight - YES; very helpful when you need to go to the bush in the middle of the nite, on a trek ie, and need to scan the area for bears, before putting down your pants...very helpful! also, allows you to take a shower when there is a power cut and you happen not to have candles...
* a piece of moist sponge - YES; if you travel for 12 hours on a dirty bus, which happens to stop for a toilet in places where there is no running water; this piece of sponge allows you to refresh a little bit, which is an amazing feeling, believe me, even the antibacterial hand gel won't do here!
* long nails when trekking - NO; not even long, but anything that is not desperate short is a NO! your hands get dirty with a speed of light and opportunities to wash them sometimes are scarce as sun in Ireland...
* lots and lots of patience - YES; in India everything is "tomorrow, tomorrow; no problem , no problem", everywhere is "only 10 minutes" and the time they give you, multiplies on average at least 3!!!
* white underwear - NO; don't expect it to stay white, if you decide to buy some clothes in India; the underwear gets colorized in one wear....don't even want to think what happens if you get caught in a rain....
* synthetic, dry-fit fabrics - YES; as big cotton fan as I am, synthetic, fast drying, breathing fabrics are what you should wear in Asia - you sweat and dry and sweat and dry few times during a day, and they really do dry much faster than cotton!!! and you wash a lot so fast drying is a definite YES!!!
* trousers with side pockets - YES; very handy for a camera, chop-stick, tissues and all the little stuff that you need all the time; saves reaching to your backpack a lot!
* Couch Surfing website- YES; invaluable way to meet great people, get to known local everyday life, customs, stories and facts, which you won't find in any guide book!
* Ipod - YES; inevitable when you're in a shitty bus ordeal for 12 hours and need to plunge into Georgie!!!, some people say No to Ipods as this apparently shuts you up on people around you - not true if you use it where appropriate
* grzalka - YES; a portable water boiler - this is an ancient device, developed in a Communist era in Russia or Poland - my non-Polish friends might not know it, you plug it in, and after few minutes you have boiling water ready for a lovely tea!!! very useful when you're stuck sick in a little, cold, dump cell of your hostel room and hot tea is all you to add to biscuits and Georgie to make your life worth living again!!!
or you boil the water and have a delicious instant noodle soup....the one you ate when were happy, poor students, remember?
Thank you Mummy&Daddy for convincing me to take the grzalka!!!

The list will continue to be updated according to Blondie's observations and experiences...

1 comment:

  1. JoluĊ„cia, thanks, it means a lot !!! You are the braviest girl I've ever known!!!

    I've read this post and do NOT like the part about the mouse being all over your friend while he was asleep... brrr...
    Should I reconsider going to Asia? hihihi ;D

    Buziaki !
